Visit the Pro Shop Facebook page for closure notices or to see our deals and events!

Pro Shop Hours:

Monday: 12pm-7pm

Tuesday: 12pm-7pm

Wednesday: 12pm-7pm

Thursday: 12pm-6pm

Friday: 12pm-7pm

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED

*Weekend appointments available upon request*

Last ball on the press 30 minutes prior to closing!

Round Holes No grips Pro Shop

We are Everything Bowling, including bowling supplies!

Come check out our newly remodeled and expanded ProShop. We are a Storm VIP and Rotogrip AllStar Proshop, however we do carry additional brands!

Our Pro Shop covers all your bowling needs! We offer fitting, drilling, resurfaces, deoiling and other services! We are a full service proshop! We have a variety of equipment in-stock from plastic balls, entry level reactives, to high performance balls. Along with our great selection of shoes and bags! We can special order items as well! Come and see our selection for yourself, right here at Lilac Lanes.

Keep up to date on the latest Specials and bowling tips by following us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify! Links below!

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